- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / 1841 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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cannot appear more extraordinary than the Apocalypse of
John, and other similar relations contained in the Bible :
the second is his Tenets of Doctrine ; of these I can
judge they are excellent, irrefutable, and the best that
ever were taught, promoting the happiest social life. I
know that Swedenborg has related his memorabilia bonâ
de. I asked him once, why he wrote and published
these memorable relations, which seemed to throw so
much ridicule on his doctrine, otherwise so rational ;
and whether it would not be best for him to keep
them to himself, and not to publish them to the world ?
But he answered, that he had orders from the Lord
to publish them ; and that those who might ridicule
him on that account would do him injustice; for,
said he, why should I, who am a man in years,
render myself ridiculous for phantasies and false
hoods. I have sometimes told the king, that, if ever a
new colony were to be formed, no religion could be better,
as the prevailing and established one, than that developed
by Swedenborg from the Sacred Scriptures, and this on
the two following accounts : 1st. This religion, in pre
ference to, and in a higher degree than, any other, must
produce the most honest and industrious subjects ; for
this religion places properly the worship of God in uses.
2ndly. It causes the least fear of death, as this religion
regards death merely as a transition from one state into
another, from a worse to a better situation ; nay, upon his
principles, I look upon death as being of hardly any
greater moment than drinking a glass of water. I have
been convinced of the truth of Swedenborg’s doctrine
from these arguments in particular, viz .: That One is the
author of every thing, and not a separate person_the
Creator, and another the Author of religion ; that there
are degrees in every thing, and these subsisting to eternity
-the history of creation is unaccountable, unless ex
plained in the spiritual sense. We may say of the
religion which Swedenborg has developed in his writings
from the Word of God, with Gamaliel : If it be of
God, it cannot be overthrown ; but if it be ofman, it
will come to nought.’ " HOPKEN."

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