- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / 1841 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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manner from his own authority, or from that of the clerical
body, they replied, that they had heard of the affair, but
that none of them had been consulted about it, or had
given his consent thereto ; and that there was not one
word set down in the journal of the ecclesiastical court
concerning it. Some ecclesiastics at Gottenburg, being
emboldened by this inconsiderate and violent conduct of
the bishops, began to speak and declaim loudly against
my writings, and so far succeeded as to have an assembly
appointed for their examination, consisting of some
bishops and professors in divinity. This assembly con
tinued sitting for the space of some months, and at
length made a favourable report, which stopped the
mouths of those accusers at once ; their attempts were
then thought to cease, and the affair to have an end.
To prevent all thought of its being re-kindled, it was
concluded, that a petition should be presented to your
majesty, to issue orders to the chancellor of justice, to
give an information of the authors who had raised the
disturbance at Gottenburg. The bishop and deacon of
that place, who were the principal movers in this affair,
seeing the little success of their project to engage the
body of the clergy, to light up the fire for which they
had made ready the materials, had recourse to calumnies
and injuries, and filled twenty printed leaves with in
vectives, which they circulated amongst the public. I
was farther informed, that your majesty, hearing of this
dispute, took it under your own consideration, decided it
in the senate, and ordered the chancellor to forward
letters relative thereto to the consistory at Gottenburg.
" I had no notice sent me of all these proceedings ;
my person, writings, and sentiments on the worship of
the Lord our Saviour, were attacked and persecuted, and
I have neither been called to make my defence, nor been
heard respecting it : but truth itself has answered for me.
The accounts that were published at Gottenburg on this
matter, did not touch the substance of the cause, and
were filled with invectives and gross injuries. The first
account I had of these papers, was from a general com
E 2

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