- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / 1841 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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there, he took his passage in a vessel which was to sail
in a few days. During his stay at Gottenburg, Dr. Beyer
accidentally met with him in company, and entertaining,
from report, the same sentiments with many others in that
country, with respect to his being a madman, on account
of his assertion, that he had communication with the
spiritual world, he was surprised when he observed that
Swedenborg spoke very sensibly, without discovering any
marks of that infirmity of which he was suspected ; he
therefore invited Swedenborg to dine with him the day
following, in company with Dr. Rosen. After dinner,
Dr. Beyer expressed a desire, in the presence of Dr.
Rosen, to hear from himself a full account of his doc
trines ; upon which Swedenborg, animated bythe request,
spoke so clearly, and in so wonderful a manner, on the
subject, that the Dr. and his friend were quite astonished.
They gave him no interruption ; but when the discourse
was ended, Dr. Beyer requested Swedenborg to meet him
the next day at Mr. Wenngren’s, and to bring with him
a paper, containing the substance of his discourse, in
order that he might consider it more attentively. Swe
denborg came the day following, according to his promise,
and, taking the paper out of his pocket, in the presence
of the other two gentlemen, he trembled, and appeared
much affected, the tears flowing down his cheeks; when,
presenting the paper to Dr. Beyer, Sir, (said he, ) from
this day the Lord has introduced you into the society of
angels, and you are now surrounded by them.’ They
were all greatly affected. He then took his leave, and the
next day embarked for England.
"The Dr. immediately sent for his writings, and to
arrange the subjects more distinctly in his mind, began
the Index,* (Index Initialis in Opera Swedenborgii
Theologica, &c.) which, as he prepared, he sent, sheet
by sheet, to Amsterdam to be printed. He was thirteen
years in completing that work, and on the day he sent off
the last sheet corrected, he sickened, took to his bed, and,
* See above p. 55.

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