- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / 1841 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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analysis of Swedenborg’s Natural Philosophy, and com
pared it with his Heavenly Philosophy.
From an unpublished MS. of the life of Oetinger,
written by himself, Dr. Tafel has extracted the following :
At page 129, he 66
says, I wrote the second part of the
Earthly and Heavenly Philosophy in the presence of
death ; this, I thought, was to be my last work, but I
recovered, and Swedenborg’s book On Heaven and Hell
came to hand, which I translated, and extracted from it
the first part of Earthly and Heavenly Philosophy, and
sent it, having submitted it to the censorship, to the press
at Tubingen. In the meantime the prelacy of Murrhard
became vacant. I was well aware, although I had been
proposed as prelate ten years before, that I had many
enemies, and, therefore, I wrote a candid letter to his
Serene Highness, upon which he sent me two letters in
four days, appointing me prelate. The book which I
had written appeared afterwards, but the Consistory was
much incensed at its appearance, and called upon me to
justify myself. I was at Stuttgart about twelve months,
and returned again to Murrhard. I then devoted myself
to the work entitled Philosophia Scripturane, but was
again compelled by the Consistory to appeal to the Privy
Council. The Consistory interdicted me from publishing
anything either within or without the country. Upon
this, my son, a physician, published a work, under his
own name, entitled Metaphisica et Chemica. After this
I wrote to Baron Swedenborg at Stockholm, who replied
to my letters ; the correspondence may be seen in Dr.
Clemm’s German Theology, &c."
Oetinger says further, in the Biography already men
tioned, " Swedenborg sent me his books, De Telluribus
Planetarum, De Amore Conjugiali, and also his last
work, De Vera Religione Christiana. Swedenborg also
sent me some other letters, one of which I inserted in the
translation of the Earths in the Universe.”* Dr. Tafel
adds, " I found in the year 1831 , at the house of the
This letter may be seen in the New Jerusalem Magazine
May, 1790, p. 3.

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