- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / 1841 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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motive for all, but especially the ministers of the Gospel,
to inquire seriously whence all this evil and error come,
what is its real cause, and what may be its effectual cure.
And if from such inquiry it shall appear that the know
ledge of the Christian God and Redeemer, and of the
nature of salvation by Him , is now almost totally lost in
the Christian world, in consequence whereof neither is
Jesus Christ preached, nor His commandments obeyed,
and that thus the dispensation of grace and truth, opened
by this incarnate God, under His first manifestation in
the flesh, is, in a great measure, become of none effect,
being rendered insufficient to answer the saving purposes
intended by it; in this case, surely must appear, at the
same time, the expediency and necessity of some new
dispensation of heavenly doctrine, not for the purpose
of revealing a new will of God, a new commandment, a
new Saviour, or a new mode of salvation, but only of
making known again to mankind, that old will of God,
that old commandment, that old Saviour, and old mode
of salvation, which in these latter days, through the over
flowings of iniquity and error, have been nearly lost sight
of and made ineffectual. That such a dispensation is
now opened in the writings of the Swedish Scribe, will
be manifest to every candid and serious reader, it being
the one only end and object of those writings, to call men
back again to Jesus Christ, and to point out the true
nature and manner of salvation by Him.
" I repeat it therefore again, be these writings true or
false ; be their authority well or ill-founded ; be they
from the Father of lights, or from the father of lies;
it is your office and duty, as ministers of the truth, to
examine well into the nature of their evidence, and the
degree of credibility which is due to them. You cannot
possibly excuse yourselves from the discharge of this
duty; a regard to truth and the interest of religion
demands it of you ; and you are bound to greater caution
herein, inasmuch as the judgment you form will not affect
yourselves only, but will affect also the people committed
to your care, so that the salvation of thousands may pos
sibly depend upon your decision in this interesting case.

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