- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / 1841 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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here you will be surprised to find every evil of life, and
every error of doctrine, detected and described, which in
these latter times threaten the very existence of religion
in the kingdoms of the earth, and cause so much serious
alarm in the minds of many Christians, who look further
than the mere skin and complexion of the church, to
form a judgment of the soundness of its constitution.
You will see also pointed out the root whence such anti
christian evils and errors have sprung, how they have all
originated in mistaken ideas of the Divine Being, His
nature, and mode of existence and operation, and in the
consequent separation of the three essentials of Christian
life and salvation, viz., charity, faith, and good works.
And whilst you lament the unhappy causes and con
sequences of such an unscriptural and irrational theology,
which you will here see figuratively depicted under the
significative images of dragon, beast, false prophet, and
the great whore, mentioned in the Revelations, you will
not fail to rejoice in the prospect of an order of pure
truth and doctrine about to be manifested from heaven to
mankind, signified and represented by the Holy City
New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven,

whereby all false perverted principles of faith and life will
be dissipated in such pure minds as are meet for its
reception ; and the understanding being enlightened, the
will purified, and the life restored to the order of heaven,
a near and blessed conjunction will again take place
between the Creator and His creatures, predicted and
described in these words, ’ The tabernacle of God is with
men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be
His people, and God Himself shall be with them their
’ ( Rev. xxi. 3.)
"Howfar the author’s interpretation of the Apocalyptic
prophecies, relating to the present corruptions of Chris
tendom, and the expectation of a blessed revival of the
pure law and order of heaven amongst men, is agreeable
to experience and fact, as manifested in the circumstances
of the times, and in the external state of the Christian
world at this day, I leave to the determination of your own
private and unprejudiced judgment. But surely the great

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