- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 1 1875 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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114 [Doc. 10.
King’s favour, we wish to give his account of one of his pre
decessors at Vingåker, J. Baazius, who died in 1681 Arch
bishop of Upsal. " Dr. Baazius came to Vingåker to let the
people hear him, so that they might say whether they wished
him for their minister. He was a pious and dignified preacher,
and had formerly been Queen Christina’s royal chaplain. After
the service, he asked the people how they liked him . They
all kept silence. He asked them again, but received no
answer. He asked them a third time, but still they remained
silent. He then said, I see you do not like me, I will not
therefore remain. I was sent hither by the government and
my bishop, or I should not have come. An old grey-haired
man then rose, and said, “Thank God, you have a beard,
you shall be welcome. Baazius said "What do you mean by
my having a beard ?’ The peasant answered, They said that
you were a child ; this is no congregation of children. God
be praised you have a beard; you shall be welcome. Our
respects to the Queen, and say we are obliged to her.’ ” This
Swedberg heard from Baazius himself.
Swedberg was in Stockholm , where he had gone to remove
his furniture to Vingåker, when he was surprized by receiving
from the King an appointment to the third theological
professorship in Upsal. The appointment was followed by
a letter, in which the King expressed his “ gracious hope that
Swedberg would accept this charge, as a token of God’s dis
pensation and the King’s favour; that he would consequently
lay aside private considerations, and consent to accept this
office, and with his customary industry and zeal propagate
pure evangelical doctrine, " &c. The King knew his man,
even as to his custom of “praying to be excused .” He was
faithful to this habit even in the present case ; but “ notwith
standing my entreaties to be excused ,” he says, “ I had to
give way.” He, nevertheless, thought that on the present
occasion there were more reasons why his desire to remain
where he was should be granted, than when he begged to
be released from his appointment to Westerås. He repre
sented to himself that for ten years he had been unaccustomed
to all academical duties ; as in the case of Westerås, he also
took into account the differences and controversies which then

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