- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 1 1875 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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Doc. 10.) 119
But scarcely had the psalm-book left the press, when it
was severely attacked, and suppressed. Bishop Carlsson, by
whom Swedberg had been ordained into the ministry, con
sidered himself slighted in not having been placed on the
committee, by which the psalm book was to be approved. This
was really the heresy, to which he took objection. The psalm
book was charged with being heretical. Professor Crispin Jern
felt of Dorpat wrote some derogatory remarks upon it. Bishop
Carlsson was Jernfelt’s friend and brother-in-law, and on
account of this relationship made common cause with him.
They were joined by Lang, acting Bishop of Oesel, who after
wards became Bishop of Linköping, and he began a hot and
dangerous warfare, where there was no enemy to contend
with. They said that the King, together with Swedberg, in
tended to introduce a new religion into the country. These
charges were examined by Archbishop Svebilius, Bishop Carls
son’s father -in -law, by Bishop E. Benzelius of Strengnäs, and
several other theologians ; and after a lengthened discussion
on the Committee’s report, in the presence of the King, by
which Swedberg’s innocence was clearly established, His Ma
jesty, nevertheless, ordered the whole edition of the “ unfortunate
Swedberg psalm book”-as this was ever after called - to be
seized and detained, until the bishops of the realm should
meet, and either adopt or condemn it. By this new turn
of affairs Swedberg lost upwards of 30,000 dalers in copper.
Some of these books were made use of in the Swedish Church
in America; but the greater part became mouldy and mildewed
in Skeppsholm.
The meeting of the bishops took place in 1695, and after
examining all the hymns one by one, they raised the follow
ing points of accusation: that the book had been printed
before a proper notice of it had been given to the clergy
generally; that several psalms which the clergy had approved
were excluded ; that, on the other hand, many were introduced
which had not been previously submitted ; that there were
too many hymns (483), in addition to the Latin psalms approved
in the year 1695, which had been retained in the larger
editions ; and lastly, that some prayers were added, which
had the appearance of containing erroneous doctrine. Such

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