- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 1 1875 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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128 (Doc. 10.
reached the churches on the other side of the ocean. This
requires a separate paragraph, which is the more necessary,
as it will make us acquainted with a work, which only in
later years has been appreciated to its full extent in our own
country - namely, missionary work.
Swedberg’s attention had been early directed to this ob
ject. From Edzardi, who was deeply interested in the con
version of the Jews, he had received the information, that in
Stade there was a very ancient endowment, for the purpose
of converting the heathen. The income from Stade, which
was under the Swedish sovereignty, accrued then to the
Swedish crown, and was applied for the purpose of assisting
the nobility in making journeys. As the benefit of this en
dowment was at the time enjoyed by a worthless person,
Edzardi was fully justified in asserting, that “very little use
was then made of it for the purpose of converting the
heathen . " A letter from the distressed Swedes in America,
asking for clergymen and good books, arrived in 1690, ad
dressed to the post-master in Gottenburg. He forwarded
the letter to the King. His Majesty summoned Swedberg
(in 1695 ?) in order to obtain his advice. Swedberg reported
his conversation with Edzardi, representing to the King the
testamentary application of the endowment in Stade, and
how it was abused. Edzardi proposed that this fund should
be applied to the Jews ; Swedberg now proposed that it
should be applied to the conversion of the heathen among
whom the Swedes were living. “ Otherwise it will not be easy
for you to give a good account of the administration of this
trust." The King answered : “The means shall be provided,
and they shall have clergymen, God’s Word, and the ne
cessary books–only select for me useful clergymen .” Matters
stood thus, when Swedberg came to Upsal, where he took up
the matter with more zeal. A letter was now sent by the
King to the Archbishop, requesting him to supply the de
sired clergymen, and stating that the King “ would take care
of their journey, and would supply their travelling-expenses."
The Chapter of the cathedral was summoned, and Swedberg
was instructed to select suitable clergymen from among the

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