- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 1 1875 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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310 [ Doc. 85.
also that the many discoveries which I have made therein,
will in time prove useful. For instance, a fire may be made
in some new stoves for warming, where the wood and coal
which usually last a day, will last six days, and will give out
more heat. Vice-President Hjärne53 has approved of this in
all its particulars, and if desired I can show the proof of it.
The former of these treatises I handed in to -day to the Royal
College of Mines. *
I have also written a little anatomy of our vital forces,
which, I maintain, consist of tremulations; for this purpose I
made myself thoroughly acquainted with the anatomy of the
nerves and membranes, and I have proved the harmony
which exists between that and the interesting geometry of
tremulations; together with many other ideas, where I found
that I agreed with those of Baglivius.82 The day before
yesterday I handed them in to the Royal Medical College.f
ventione. An English translation of this work by Charles E. Strutt was
published in London, in 1847, under the following title : New Observations
and Discoveries respecting Iron and Fire, and particularly respecting the
elemental nature of Fire: together with a new construction of stoves.
* This treatise which was never published is still preserved in the
College of Mines; it bears the following title: Beskrifning öfver Svenska
Masugnar och deras Bläsningar ( A Description of Swedish Iron Furnaces
and the processes of melting Iron ). See Document 145 .
+ During the editor’s visit to Stockholm in 1869 and 1870, he found the
following entry in the Proceedings of the Board of Health (Sundhet’s Col
legium ) for the years 1710-1720 :
" October, 1719. 2. The Syndicus reported that the extraordinary As
sessor of the Royal College of Mines, the well-born Emanuel Swedenborg,
had submitted to the College for examination a work entitled : Anatomi af
vår aldrafinaste Natur wisande att vårt rörande och lefwande wäsende
består af Contremiscentien (Anatomy of our most subtle nature showing
that our moving and living force consists of tremulations). The College
resolved that this treatise should be read in turn by all the assessors ofthe
College; and that afterwards they should pronounce an opinion respecting it."
The work itself is not contained in the library of the College, but a
large portion of it, Chapters I to VI, and Chapter XIII, filling 46 pages
in 4to, is preserved in the Cathedral-library at Linköping in Vol. XL of
the Benzelius Collection, No. 109. Of this a photo -lithographic copy was
taken, which occupies pages 132 to 180 of Vol. I, of the photo -lithographed
MSS. of Swedenborg. These chapters Swedenborg had sent to his brother
in -law , Ericus Benzelius, for examination, as is shown in Document 88.

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