- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 1 1875 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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mechanics. I am also encouraged every day by new dis
coveries, as to the nature of these subtle substances, and as
I am beginning to see that experience in an uninterrupted
series seems to be inclined to agree therewith, I am becoming
more and more confirmed in my ideas. It seems to me that
the immense number of experiments that have been made
affords a good ground for building upon; and that the toil and
expenses incurred by others may be turned to use by working
up with head what they have collected with their hands.
Many deductions may thus be made which will be of use in
chemistry, metallurgy, and in determining the nature of fire
and other things.
If it would not be too much trouble, I should like you to
bring Hauksbee’s Experimenta Antleæ suæ, (i. e. the ex
periments made with his air-pump), which the Library has
purchased from me. There are, if I remember rightly, con
tained in it, a considerable number of interesting experiments
upon fire, the magnet, etc., which were made either in a
vacuum, vel in moto [or in common air ?]. If I could but
glance over it down here, I would immediately return it to
you with much gratitude. Please remember me kindly to
sister Anna, brother Eric, and the others. I remain, most
honoured brother,
Your most obedient brother and servant,
Brunsbo, May 2, 1720.
[P. S.] I must beg of you to bring Hauksbee. In travel
ling down here I noticed how the very largest stones, from 80
to 100 tons weight, like small mountains, were raised to the
highest eminences. Look upon these on your journey down
as demonstrative proofs in favour of my assertion that stones
were rolled and distributed at a great depth, viz. that they
were raised up higher and higher (those of the largest size
are near Örebro)
, e. nearer and nearer the shore, or to
wards the surface of the sea, until at last they came into
such shallow water, that they could no longer be rolled away
again. This is what I prove, that a deep sea could have
done this, but by no means a shallow one.

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