- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 1 1875 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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Doc. 156.) 433
shall with deep respect never cease to remain, Your Ex
cellency’s, and the Most Honourable Royal College’s
Most humble servant,
Stockholm , June 16, 1724 .
Swedenborg present at the College: July 7, 8, 9, 11, 13,
14, 15. Recess until September 8.
[Until Aug. 18, Swedenborg seems to have been at Axmar
in Gestrickland, where he was looking after his share in the
iron -works at that place. On his return to Stockholm he
prepared to set out on an inspecting tour, and wrote the
following letter to the President of the College of Mines, the
original of which is in the Royal Library in Stockholm:]
Most honourable Baron and Governor,
Upon arriving in town a few days ago, Secretary
Colling informed me, that he had directed a letter for me to
Gefle, which was enclosed in one addressed to Bellander, the
Master of Mines, and which he supposes to have been from
your Honour. As this letter has not yet been received, and
as I doubt whether it will be sent back to me from Gefle
within a fortnight, as the Master of Mines, to whom it was
addressed is absent upon a commission in Helsingland, I
consider it my duty to inform your Honour of this, and to beg
you in all deference to renew your instructions, in case your
letter contained any, before I, in obedience to your notification
about time and place, enter upon my journey.
In case your Honour has not yet engaged permanently a
secretary for the commission, I would venture to propose for
this post an auscultant, by the name of Andreas Thunberg,
who has occasionally acted as secretary in the Royal College
of Mines, and who has had opportunity thereby of acquiring
practice, and also of showing his ability. He is at present
at Philipstad, and he might be reached through Ekman, the
Master of Mines, in that town, through whom your Honour
could kindly communicate with him upon this business.

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