- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 1 1875 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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Doc. 162.] 455
and grant the leave of absence petitioned for by Assessor
Swedenborg, you submit to our gracious consideration, whether
Secretary Nils Porath 127 may not in the mean time, in addition
to his salary as Secretary, receive 300 dalers in silver from
the half salary of Swedenborg, and in return fulfil in all its
parts the office of Assessor, while the fiscal advocate Hans
Bierchenius129 would fill the place of secretary, and the eldest
notary Anders Thunberg Olofsohn the office of fiscal advocate,
both on their former salaries, and also that, according to you,
he who is to be entrusted by you with the post of notary after
Thunberg, and who has hitherto served without salary, should
enjoy as a partial support the remaining 300 dalers in silver,
in which manner you think our service in these offices will
be best fulfilled, and nothing delayed or neglected. This we
have taken into consideration, and inasmuch as we are willing
to give our gracious approval and assent to that which you
have in humility proposed to us in regard to both these
measures, we therefore notify you graciously of this our answer
and instruction. And we hereby commend you to the grace
of God Almighty.
The Council-chamber, Stockholm , June 1, 1736.
This decree was presented to the College of Mines on
June 12, 1736.
Swedenborg present in the College till June 19.
June 19. §. 5. His Royal Majesty’s gracious letter, dated
June 1, was read, in which leave is granted to Emanuel
Swedenborg to stay abroad for three or four years, that he
may finish his work on metallurgy and on new principles
in Philosophy, etc.
The King also acceded to the propositions of the College
that Secretary Porath 127 should fill Swedenborg’s place ; Mr.
Bierchenius,129 Porath’s place; and Thunberg Olofsohn that of
Bierchenius, and that they should divide half of Swedenborg’s
salary, in the proportions proposed.
Swedenborg present during the rest of the month; July,
present to the 8th, (absent on the 9th ;) on July 10 the
Assessors took their departure.

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