- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 1 1875 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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Doc. 171.) 481
portance. For this purpose I desire to state the following
1. Many thousand tons of Swedish pig-iron are annually
shipped, with great expense in freight and custom -house duties,
to Holland, whence it is re-shipped inland to Sauerland and
Liege, where it is broken up, rolled, and converted into 4, 6,
10 to 12 iron rods or bars, or converted into sheet-iron.
Afterwards it is carried back to Holland, and conveyed thence
to many places in Europe, where it is sold with great profit:
so that our Swedish iron must in this manner be ennobled in
Brabant, and yield them a handsome income, which we, with
small expense and industry, might keep at home.
2. Such iron, as has been worked up by rolling mills
into rods and other fine articles and forms, promotes all
sorts of small manufactories, whereby time, labour, and expense
are saved ; these rods and other articles being the medium
between the coarse Swedish iron and the various manufactories
of whatever kind they may be.
3. Iron thus worked up is in the form required by the
various blacksmiths, locksmiths, etc., who expend much money
in having the various sorts prepared for themselves; so that
manufactories as well as the various smaller workers in iron
are benefited thereby, and the country itself gains an immense
advantage, and has the prices lowered at the same time.
4. A great deal of the iron thus obtained is used up in
the country itself, but what is not required for domestic con
sumption can be shipped to other parts of Europe and ad
vantageously sold there. Of this we may be the better assured,
inasmuch as the greater part of the rolled iron which is sent
out of Liege, consists of the iron of Liege and Brabant, which
many nations are compelled to use for want of a better iron ,
although it is cold-short and brittle. But if Sweden would
furnish the same sort of iron rods and sheeting, the inferior
iron would be scorned and sink in price, while the better would
rise. This may be proved by those who execute commissions
If the gentlemen of the Diet would be inclined to promote
the establishment of such a work, and thereby lay a founda
tion for manufactories of iron in Sweden, you will please to

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