- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 1 1875 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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The slab is, however, broken in half. Besides the pack of cards
mentioned in Pernety’s account, there are a comb and the envelope of
a letter among the inlaid objects. This table was purchased by Swe
denborg during his fourth journey abroad, which was in 1739, and was
sent by him to Stockholm in 1740. An account of its reception, and
of the interest it excited among his friends, is contained in a letter
addressed by Lars Benzelstiernaº to Swedenborg, dated Stockholm
Feb. 22, 1740, our Document 125. The process by which such
work is inlaid in marble is described by Swedenborg in the last
scientific paper which he communicated to the Academy of Sciences
in 1763, and is contained in Vol. XXIV of its “Transactions.” It
forms Document 202 of the present work .
NOTE 38.
John Augustus Ernesti, who is mentioned in Document 6, § 8,
the founder of a new theological and philosophical school, was
born in Thuringia, in 1707. In 1734, he became rector of the
Thomas School in Leipzig; in 1742, extraordinary professor of ancient
literature; in 1756, ordinary professor of eloquence in the University
of Leipzig : in 1759, he obtained in addition a theological pro
fessorship ; and in 1770 the first theological professorship, which he
held till the time of his death in 1781. From him, says “ Brock
haus’s Conversations-Lexicon," the enlightened study of theology
principally emanated, in so far as this is founded on philology and
correct grammatical explanation. He edited a large number of the
Latin and Greek classics, and on account of his excellent Latin
style merited the appellation of a “Cicero” among the Germans.
Among his theological writings were the " Anti-Muratorius," (Leipzig,
1755,) his "Opuscula Theologica," (Leipzig, 1792 ;) and especially his
"Neue Theologische Bibliothek," in 10 Vols. from 1760 to 69, in which
he attacked the writings and the personal character of Swedenborg.
NOTE 39.
Count Carl Gustav Tessin, son of Count Nicodemus Tessin, the
builder of the royal castle in Stockholm, was born in 1695, and was
one of the ablest and most honourable men whose names are recorded

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