- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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country from Greifswalde to Anclam is very level, consisting
mostly of fields. The sea-shore and the banks of the streams
are everywhere covered and adorned with oak groves and the
most beautiful live-oaks. From this part of the country, and
from that which lies nearer the town of Stettin, a great quanti
ty of oak-wood is shipped to foreign countries for ship-building.
At Anclam I saw for the first time the Brandenburg soldiers,
and those, indeed, who are called grenadiers. The men are
tall and slender, and they march erectly. They wear high
conical hats showily decorated with brass, in the shape of
letters and figures. They are clad in a cloak or short belted
coat reaching to about the middle of the thigh. The breeches
fit the extremities of their bodies most tightly, so that no fold
arising from looseness can hide any flaw, and prevent the
harmony of the parts from being noticed at first sight. Close
ly fitting gaiters, buttoned, reach from the breeches to the
shoes, and encase the legs from the knees downwards. They
go through their drill with the greatest promptness and regu
larity; but their manner is perhaps a little theatrical. Their
line is remarkably regular, the men being of the same height
and age ; the faces of all turn in one direction. The head is
adorned the most, and the feet, arms, and remaining parts of
the body are least burdened and are closely bound, so that they
are prepared either for an immediate attack on an enemy or
for a rush in flight ; they are so attired as to be ready for
either turn in the wheel of fortune. The King seems to place
his splendour and pride in his soldiery, and yet he restrains
and retrenches all luxury, so that they give one the idea of
toughness and endurance.
May 28 and 29. I arrived at Friedland, a town under the
rule of Mecklenburg. There were most beautiful oak forests
on the way, and the country is very rich in grain and geese.
Afterwards I came to New Brandenburg. Neither town is
remarkable for size, fortifications, or buildings. I neverthe
less had the opportunity of enjoying their gardens. I witnessed
also their annual games, at which they have a shooting competition
for the honour of " King." Whoever proves himself the best
shot is created " King;" is exempt during the ensuing year
from rates and taxes ; and in the following year, decked with

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