- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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Doc. 205. ] 13
double, there is a portico between, where one may take a
walk, and gaze upon the fields as well as upon the court of
the castle. All this is deserted and uninhabited at present.
I continued my journey towards Berlin, and on the way saw
two additional royal country-seats.
At last I reached Berlin. I first wandered alone through
the town that I might take in with the eye what is wont to
strike the first gaze of a stranger. What I noticed first on
the bridge leading to the Royal Castle was a bronze statue
erected by King William [?] * in 1703, which was remarkable
for its weight, its size, and the art expended upon it. It is
also a worthy object of contemplation. The first great King of
Prussia* himself sits on a large horse ; at each corner four
men or rather giants (for they are twice or three times as
large as common men) are sitting sad, sorrowful, and with
a serious countenance, bound with brazen chains ; they are,
however, sufficiently heavy and motionless from their mere
weight in bronze. It is a work of art most worthy of being
cast in bronze.
The royal palace itself is magnificent; a most expensive
structure, and in size and height surpassing the palaces of
many kings. On one side of it is a parade ground capable
of holding from twenty to thirty thousand soldiers, cavalry
and infantry. Their military exercises and parade may be
witnessed from the palace. I shall not attempt a description
of this palace as it would fill many pages, while the painter
could represent it better and more vividly on one page.
The arsenal which adjoins it is scarcely less beautiful ; this
also can be exhibited much better by the artist. The same
may be said of the orphan asylum. The church of St. Peter,
a most noble structure and replete with ornaments, is being
restored, or rather re-built. Two granaries or receptacles for
corn have also been erected. The houses belonging to the
burghers or subjects, are numerous ; they have a pleasing
* The statue Swedenborg describes here is that of the great Elector
Frederic William, who reigned from 1640 to 1688. It was erected by his
son Frederic III, who reigned from 1688 to 1715, and who became in 1701
the first king of Prussia, under the name of King Frederic I.

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