- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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Doc. 205.] 65
not to three inches ; the pipes from the bellows extend to some
distance into this conical hole. Through this hole a vent may
be seen, projecting almost into the middle of the furnace,
from which the liquefied vein trickles. 2. The mixture differs
according to the quality of the vein, which is very vari
able, being sometimes rich, and at other times poor, con
taining arsenic, and being dry [? ] ; there is no vein containing
lead, but all are very much impregnated with cobalt. The
usual proportions are, six hundred-weight of the crude ore
for the ore, if rich, is put on in its crude state, without any
previous calcining-a hundred-weight and a half of iron scoriæ,
a like amount of washed iron, or Wascheisen as it is called,
two hundred-weight, more or less according as is required, of
fresh scoriæ, and two hundred-weight of litharge and lead
together. 3. Every two or three hours several hundred-weight
of silver-bearing lead, with the stone floating upon it, are ob
tained ; sometimes the yield is greater, sometimes less, accord
ing to the mixture and the quality of the ore. 4. The stone
which is obtained here is first calcined five times, and then
mixed and put on again. 5. If there is any stone obtained
the second time, it is poorer ; this also is calcined five times,
and this process is repeated , until no more stone containing
silver is obtained. 6. As this ore is full of cobalt, other thin
plates are obtained, called Speiss, which are also rich in silver ;
after these are collected they have to pass through ten calcin
ing fires before they are introduced again into the furnace.
Some ore is also smelted, from which the arsenic has been
previously sublimated ; but on the treatment of the silver ore
at Joachimsthal we may consult a special treatise in the German
language which discusses this method.
There are also arsenic works about half a German mile
outside the town, concerning which the following particulars
may be mentioned : 1. The crude cobalt is thrown into an oven
which resembles a baker’s oven, and which is four ells long
and three ells wide ; below is a place for the wood or the fire ;

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