- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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Doc. 205.] SWEDENBORG’S TRAVELS IN 1733. 67
arsenic flour, and is kept melting there for twelve hours. Mean
while the powder adheres to the sides of the cone or hat
to the depth of two inches ; and in this form the liquified
arsenic is taken out every twelve hours. The arsenic thus
obtained is white ; if any sulphur is mixed with it, it looks
It is further to be mentioned that the best mines of Jo
achimsthal at the present day are the "Hubert" and the " Einig
keit" mines ; but that not more than from 1200 to 1300 marks
of silver are obtained from them; formerly these mines were
very rich. From the very cavity of the furnaces it appears
of what great size the loaves of silver formerly were, some of
which weighed 300 marks.
These works were commenced in 1516, and during ninety-four
years 1,300,000 marks of silver, or from 13,000 to 14,000 marks
yearly, were obtained. Besides, there are subterraneous passages
here, called Stollen, as for instance the " Kaiserstollen," which
is 4000 fathoms, or from 12,000 to 14,000 ells long ; another
reaches the length of 6000 fathoms ; they lead in a straight line
from one mine to the other. In the mine "Einigkeit," at the
depth of from sixty to seventy fathoms , there is a machine
with a water-wheel, which is turned by the water which escapes
there. In the year 1542 they had 300 " Schichtmeister," and
300 "Steiger." For one Vienna mark of pure silver, they obtain
21 florins, 15 kreutzers.
August 13. I returned to Carlsbad.
August 16. I was in the Roman Catholic Church at Carls
bad, where I witnessed their worship, or their celebration, of
the mass, and where I observed that all things were most
delightful, or suited to all the senses. For the ear they had
the very best instrumental harmony, having instead of the
singing of the people the completest instrumental music. The
eye beheld various sports ; the gestures of boys, as well as
of others, who were burning lamps and wax-tapers ; the magni
ficent vestments of the priests , and of boys similarly arrayed ;
everything in the light of these lamps shone with gold and
silver. The sense of smell was regaled with the richest frag
rance, with which the altar, or the sanctuary was perfumed.
For the sense of touch there was the water, which the priest,

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