- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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July 30. I went to Passy, and saw the springs of Passy,
of which there are two ; they are far down in the earth, just
as in a cellar; each consists of two streams, so that there are
really four ; the new springs, however, have three streams. They
are chalybeate or vitriolic, just as with us [in Sweden]. They
use the whole of it, and in order to get the iron out of it,
they pump it into long earthen vessels, covering them with
slate, and let the water stand there for a month, when all the
ochre settles to the bottom, and the water becomes almost like
sweet water; it is then filled into earthen bottles and filtered.
A pint of it is sold for five stivers.
I drove also to [the convent of] Calvaire, which is on a high
mountain* near Suresnes. There are seven pictures pretty
well executed, representing the whole of Christ’s passion. In
the church the tomb of Christ is represented in the form in
which it exists on mount Calvary. A large garden belongs
to it, from which a view can be had of the neighbouring country
including many small towns.+
March 12. At 3 o’clock in the morning I left Paris by dili
gence and arrived at Châlons [sur Saone] on the 15th, having
passed through various villages, as well as through Auxerre.
From Châlons I went by "treckschuyt," which is here called the
"diligence par eau," to Macon, and thence to Lyons. I thus
came through the Franche Comté, the whole of Burgundy,
and Doubs, passing on the way several beautiful castles, one
of which belongs to the Comte de Clermont, where the best
wine grows, 1500 en queue [?]. The wine of Macon also
is pretty good. The diligence par eau goes into the river
* Now Mont Valérien.
The monastery le Calvaire, built by Louis XIII, was formerly a
favourite place for pilgrimages. Napoleon I. removed the monastery and
erected in its place an educational institute for the daughters of members
of the Legion of honour. After the restoration the place came again into
the hands of an ecclesiastical corporation, and the pilgrimages began anew;
but the year 1830 put an end to their possession, and in 1840 the building
of the fortress of Mont Valérien was commenced.

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