- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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statues in bronze.* On one side is the marble statue of
[Maffeo] Barberini [Pope Urban VIII], on the other that of
[Alessandro] Farnese [Pope Paul III] . Marble statues have also
been erected there by the orders of the Minimi, the Carmelites,
the "Prædicatores," &c. to their founders ; likewise a statue
of St. Andrew, whose head is preserved here ; of St. Helena
Hierosolymitana, who received the image of Christ; also an
other holding in his hands some of the wood of the cross of
Christ ; and a bronze image of St. Peter. Some of the niches
destined to hold others are still empty. On the ceilings and
along the walls are many paintings. The church consists of
four divisions, one large area, and one which is shorter; thus
altogether of six parts. The inscription of Borghese [Paul V]
is on the exterior of the church. There is one of the doors,
which is opened only when a jubilee is celebrated.
October 25. I was in the Palazzo Farnese ; in the court
and vestibule are beautiful antique statues of large size ; apart
in a building is a group of two struggling with an ox,‡ which
is of great value ; it was found in the temple of Caracalla.
In the palace itself there is a great quantity of smaller and
larger statues ; that of Alexander Farnese receiving a wreath
while stepping upon two of his enemies, is the most beautiful.
October 26. I was again at the Villa Borghese ; Daphne
and Apollo, Æneas and Anchises, one [David] with a sling,
all by Bernini, were the principal objects ; further a [reclin
ing] hermaphrodite whose couch (matlas for matelas?) was
by Bernini, a gladiator, and Anscarius [?], a beggar ; like
wise a table of black marble.
October 31. I examined the large column of Antoninus, §
with the pedestal, sculptures, and inscriptions, which have been
found, but which were too large to be set up ; under these
far down in the ground, it is said a place has been discovered
* Two of these figures are now in the Palazzo Farnese.
All these statues are in the niches of the main-columns in the centre
This celebrated group, called the Farnesian Steer, is now in the
Museum at Naples.
§ This column is on the Piazza Colonna; it is usually ascribed to An
toninus Pius, but it was erected in honour of Marcus Aurelius.

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