- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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As the thymus gland secretes the impure serum from the blood,
and the renal glands or succenturiate kidneys remit the same
in a purified condition into the blood,* such is the case with
us, I believe, in a spiritual manner. 3. My sister Caisat ap
peared, who had done something wrong, and then lain down
and screamed; when our mother came, she assumed quite a
different expression and language.‡-The explanation of this
shall be given afterwards. 4. A clergyman was there who
preached to a large congregation, and at the end spoke against
another person-whether he mentioned his name or not I do
not know. A man, however, rose and spoke against him, say
ing that it ought not to be so. I met them afterwards in a
private company, and the question arising, it was said that
the punishment for such a course was disgrace and a fine of
three marks Swedish. The preacher did not seem to know
that it was a punishable offence. It was said that one begins
with what amounts to a fine of one mark Swedish, then two
marks, &c.—This signifies that it is wrong to preach, or speak,
or write against any one in particular, because this is a punish
able offence and libelous, as it affects one’s reputation and
honour. 5. Afterwards my knees moved involuntarily, which
perhaps signifies, that I have become somewhat humble; which
also is the case and the effect of God’s grace; for this I give
thanks in the most humble manner.§
64. Afterwards I perceived in myself, and perhaps from
point 3 in my dream, that in every particular thought, and
even in that which we consider pure, an infinite quantity of
sin and impurity is contained,** and likewise in every desire
which enters from the body into the thoughts ; these spring
from great roots. Although, therefore, a thought may appear
pure, it, nevertheless, is a fact that a person may think in a
the Regnum Animale, Latin Edition, Vol. II, no. 379, p. 225; English
Edition, Vol. II, no. 441, p. 290. See Note 164, iv.
* See Regnum Animale, English Edition, Vol. II, p. 290, no. iii ; also
Note 164, iv.
Catharine, see Note 5, C., and Document 9, Table IV, p. 91.
See Note 161, i.
§ See Note 161, xii, and Introduction to Document 208, p. 140.
** See Note 165, vii.

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