- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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acknowledge myself as their author.* But it is different in
my own country. Those abroad, however, may be answered
through the medium of others ; and I therefore humbly beg
that you will remember me kindly to him, and excuse my not
being able to give him an answer with my own hand; you
will express to him also my pleasure at his having derived
satisfaction and light from the perusal of these writings, which
is a sign of his having been in a state of illustration from
heaven; for the matters which are there treated of cannot be
comprehended without illustration, since they do not belong
to the external but to the internal understanding. With respect
to some verses in the books of Moses, which possess the
property and power of introducing man to intercourse with
spirits or enabling him to speak with them ; I do not know of
any verses in Scripture which have this property more than
others ; I only know that the Word of God is everywhere
written in such a style, that when a man reads it with affection
and attention, spirits and angels have a part in it, and adjoin
themselves to him; for the Word of God is so written that it
forms a bond of union between heaven and earth (see what
is written on this subject in the work on Heaven and Hell,
nos. 303 to 310). The Lord, nevertheless, so disposes it, that
spirits and men are seldom brought together so closely as to
converse with one another;t for by intercourse with spirits
men are brought into such a condition as to their souls, that
they are speedily in danger of their life; wherefore I would
dissuade all from cherishing such desires.
has been pleased to introduce me into
course with spirits and angels for the reasons which have been
explained in my writings; wherefore I am protected by the
Lord Himself from the many desperate attempts and attacks
of evil spirits. The way in which spirits and men are kept
The Lord Himself
converse and inter
* In his original draught Swedenborg had added here the following
words : "The bookseller who has these writings for sale has also been for
bidden to make my name known."
In the original draft the following words are added here: "for this
is more dangerous than men suppose."
The following words are added in the original draft : "Unless the
Lord Himself bring them into this condition, and take them under His
care, and protect them specially, as is the case with me."

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