- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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I am not acquainted with the religious system of Assessor
Swedenborg, nor shall I take any trouble in order to become
acquainted with it. I am told that this knowledge may be
chiefly acquired by studying his published writings on the " New
Jerusalem," on "Charity and faith," on "The Lord," &c., not
one of which works I have possessed, read, or seen.’ Is not
seeing and judging of any one’s writings in this manner like
being blind before and having eyes behind, and these even
covered with a film? And can any one competent to judge in
spiritual or temporal matters regard an outburst of feeling
expressed in such language otherwise than as criminal? The
’Doctrine [of the New Jerusalem],’ mentioned by the Dean, is
in Gottenburg, and might have been consulted by him, if he
had chosen to do so. The Dean likewise abuses the spiritual
sense of the Word, which our Saviour suffers to be revealed
at the present day; as if that sense prevented the Sacred
Scripture from being any longer the fundamental ground of
the knowledge of Faith, Religion, and Revealed Theology,’
when yet in the ’Doctrine of the New Jerusalem concerning
the Sacred Scripture’ the following points are proved and
demonstrated : I. That the literal sense of the Word is the
basis, continent, and firmament of its spiritual sense, nos. 27
to 36; II. That in the literal sense of the Word Divine Truth
is in its fulness, its sanctity, and its power, nos. 37 to 49;
III. That the doctrine of the church must be drawn from
the literal sense of the Word, and be confirmed thereby,
nos. 50 to 61 ; IV. That by the literal sense of the Word
there is conjunction with the Lord, and consociation with the
angels, nos. 62 to 68, besides several other things. Concern
ing the spiritual sense, and its inestimable benefits, see nos. 5
to 26, and also the ’Apocalypse Revealed,’ nos. 200, 898, 911 ,
as well as in a thousand other places.
With respect to the second point where the doctrine is
called Socinian, it is a cursed blasphemy and lie : for Socinianism
signifies a denial of the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ;
when yet His Divinity is principally affirmed in the Doctrine
of the New Church, and it is proved therein that the Saviour
has completely atoned for and redeemed mankind, so that no
one could have been saved without His Coming (see ’Apocalypse

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