- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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310 [Doc. 245.
of Christ; and desiring to enlighten the clergy in passages
from the Word concerning the Son of God-all this opened
old wounds and caused new sores.’
The printing of Swedenborg’s letter, however, created a stir,
not only in Gottenburg but also in the Diet in Stockholm ,
as appears from the following letter, which was addressed by
Bishop Lamberg178 to the Consistory on December 4:
"Yesterday afternoon I brought the [ Swedenborgian] matter
before the Ecclesiastical Committee , who had already held
three sessions on the subject, and who will soon be prepared
to bring it for discussion before the whole House. This much
I can already state, that in future it will not be advisable
for any one who fills the public office of a teacher to defend
this doctrine, or to spread it among others. We demand,
and justly, that no one shall be invested with the office of
teacher, whether in the school or in the church, who has taken
an oath on the Symbolic [dogmatic] Books, and yet prefers
the writings of Swedenborg, although they militate against the
principal points in these books.
"The scandal made by the letter which I mentioned in my
last, and which was printed in Gottenburg, is indescribable.
If any one has not read his writings, he may yet judge from
this letter alone what the intention of this man is in respect to
our precious doctrine of salvation. Socinianism + manifests
itself there so clearly, that no one except the merest idiot in
polemics can dare to deny it. What scandal this infamous
(ohyggeligt) letter must also have caused among the honourable
clergy of the diocese, who are so zealous to preserve purity
of doctrine, upon discovering that this letter was printed in
Gottenburg, in the centre of the diocese, and in that place
where the Bishop and the Consistory have their seat. I cannot
* The first letter of the Bishop is printed in the "Handlingar," &c.,
p. 127 ; the second on p. 107.
See what Swedenborg himself says on the charge of his being a
Socinian in his reply to Dr. Ekebom (Document 245, F. p. 299).

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