- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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Doc. 245.] 315
that there should be men among us who ’went out from us,
but have not been of us’ (1 John ii, 19), and who suffer them
selves to be deceived by all the puffs of a foolish learning,
and for this reason have rendered themselves amenable to the
severe judgment of God, because they received not the love
of truth, that they might be saved; and for this cause God
shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a
lie’ (2 Thess. ii, 10, 11).
"May God for Christ’s sake take pity on the flock of His
heritage and on the vineyard which His right hand has planted,
and not suffer it to become the prey of fools ; but may He humi
liate all haughty spirits, and those who with inflated arrogance
try, by dazzling others with something new, however false
and foolish it may be, to seduce their souls, and to falsify
our true doctrine of God, by using all their power to under
mine the foundations of our most holy faith, to defile our
faith in Jesus Christ, our crucified Saviour, our only hope of
salvation, and the immovable foundation and corner-stone of
our faith ; and who dare to set up in its place the most infa
mous and untruthful nonsense , until with a will- o’-the wisp,
they extinguish the feeble light of reason in God’s people, and
lull to sleep the heart, which is deceitful above all things, in
a licentious and carnal security, which is of nature and without
grace in Christ.
"The whole of this infamous matter has, in accordance
with the laws of the country, been entrusted, with entire con
fidence, to the highly enlightened and wise care of the judicial
power, having been consigned to the hands of Mr. von
Rosir,196 the high, well-born Chancellor of Justice, and Knight
of His Majesty’s Order of the Polar Star, to whose solid
learning and zeal for God’s honour, for the sanctity of the
law and the impartial administration of justice, His Royal
Majesty, our Most gracious King, by the unanimous recom
mendation of the Houses of the Diet, has lately confided
the trust of this high office. All the papers which have been
received respecting this delicate matter have already been
most respectfully submitted to his discreet, profound, and sym
pathetic consideration. With the sincerest wish for all grace
and felicity in the New Year which will soon begin, and

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