- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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Doc. 245.] 323
defended by the vivacity of his style and the originality of
his mode of presentation. On this account a comparison be
tween the two will, perhaps, in the minds of most readers, be
in favour of Dr. Rosén. Beyer’s declaration is as follows :"
"By Your Royal Majesty’s gracious letter of
January 2, addressed to this Consistory, it was enjoined upon
the members of the said Consistory, to report in a humble
opinion how they have found the doctrinal views of Sweden
borg, and I have, besides, been most graciously ordered to
defend myself separately against that of which I have been
accused individually. I appreciate in all humility this royal
grace, and in accordance therewith I shall in all humility do
my duty as a subject with obedience, sincerity, and truth
"For a long time I have entertained a secret desire to
address myself to Your Royal Majesty, the most gracious
father of his country, who, in your royal care for the Lord’s
church and kingdom upon earth, are the holiest representative
of the Highest King ; and in all humility to give expression
to a deeply rooted conviction, and lay before you a faithful
confession in respect to those things which are of paramount
* The Swedish original, from which the above translation has been
made, is contained in the "Nya Kyrkan," &c., Part I, pp. 29 to 48. A
German translation of a great portion of " Beyer’s Defence," was published
in Hamburg in 1770, among various other documents connected with
Swedenborg’s Controversy with the Consistory of Gottenburg. These
documents were printed there under the auspices of Swedenborg him
self, as appears from his Letter to General Tuxen (Document 245, U);
and in the following year they were reprinted by Prelate Etinger under
the title of "Schwedische Urkunden" (Swedish Documents). An abridged
English translation of the above Document was published in the "Intel
lectual Repository" for 1812, and was afterwards brought out by the Rev.
S. Noble in the form of a tract, under the following title: "A Declaration
respecting the Doctrines taught by Swedenborg, by Gabriel A. Beyer, D. D."
This tract was afterwards embodied in the English and American editions of
the "Swedenborg Documents."

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