- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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338 [Doc. 245.
be able to communicate them to others according to their
requirements, and their capacity of comprehending them.
"In obedience to Your Royal Majesty’s most gracious
command, that I should deliver a full and positive declaration,
I acknowledge it to be my duty to declare, in all humble
confidence, that as far as I have proceeded, and agreeably
to the gift bestowed upon me for investigation and judgment,
I have found in the above-named writings of Swedenborg
nothing but what closely coincides with the words of the
Lord’s mouth, and shines with a light truly Divine. A man
who by nature is timid and reserved like myself, would not
dare to give expression to these sentiments, unless the Lord
had armed me with confidence in His cause, and His Divine
Mercy, under the kind protection of a most gracious and just
sovereign against grievous persecutions, had permitted me to
give expression to these sentiments. One source of comfort
for myself is the conviction, that however many of Your Royal
Majesty’s faithful subjects, who are thoroughly acquainted
with these books, may be graciously questioned on this sub
ject, their answers will undoubtedly be found to agree with
the declaration which I herewith make in all humility.
"Entertaining at heart the thoughts which I here humbly
express, I have from the very first, and repeatedly after
wards, in the Minutes of the Consistory, declared it as my
opinion, that the question about Swedenborgianism, to which
Assessor Aurell, through Deans Aurelius and Collinius, gave
a public character, as well as all judgment in this question,
ought, in accordance with the law, to be submitted in all
humility for Your Royal Majesty’s gracious examination and
disposition ; which opinion may be graciously found in the
printed Minutes of the Consistory, pp. 7, 14, 19, 110, 115.
And acting in accordance with this opinion, after the represent
ations of Dr. Ekebom (see Minutes of the Consistory, pp. 10,
11 ), I have never taken any part in the common measures
adopted by the Consistory, except so far as, in conformity
with the law, I have signed the resolutions of the majority.*
* Dr. Beyer, on account of being Dean (Decanus) of the Consistory,
had to sign all the resolutions passed by that body.

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