- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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362 [Doc. 245 .
printing, have not mentioned, but have purposely, as it seems,
disregarded every ecclesiastical standard which is generally
more talked about than the Divine Word-I mean here every
thing concerning the symbolical [dogmatic] writings ; I have,
therefore, ventured, not to reject the Swedenborgian system on
account of some differences between it and the usual forms of
doctrine, being convinced that His Royal Majesty would not
regard unfavourably, an unreserved veneration for Scripture,
provided human zeal and praiseworthy well-intentioned measures
are not blamed and abused.
"I call strict attention to the literal meaning of Section I
in our most recent fundamental law, and maintain that real
distinction is there made between that which is usually
called ’norma professionis’ (the rule of our profession) and
our ’genuine Confession of Faith.’ For 1. The Apologia Aug.
Confessionis recognizes three or four sacraments, if I under
stand properly pp. 200, 201, while in Sweden we are satisfied
with Baptism and the Holy Supper ; 2. Assessor Swedenborg
has discovered a gross contradiction, which has escaped the
confessors, and of which he speaks on p. 32 of ’Summaria Ex
positio;’ while our true Confession of Faith is exempt from
mistakes and errors ; 3. Our dogmatic books admit of a rigorous
investigation, but not so our true confession or creed ; 4. our
dogmatic books are controversial writings, composed for the
purpose of exhibiting the distinction between us and other
partakers of the Christian faith, but they do not contain the
kernel of God’s Word, and the whole doctrine of theology
which is comprised in the Confession of Faith.
"Besides, I have neither confirmed another doctrine, nor
dom of writing and printing is unlimited in many things. in Divine matters
God’s and not men’s definitions must establish just bounds ; if in theology
anything is to be gained by the statute. Besides, the symbolical [dogmatic]
books are not mentioned in Section I, but only our genuine Confession of
Faith. Now, as I have neither spoken nor written against that, I do not
find myself guilty of any breach of the law; unless it consists in this, that
I think in a human way about human writings, that I despise all theolo
gical subterfuges ; that I disregard forced interpretations of Scripture, and
by the evangelical doctrine understand no other than that which is cor
rectly drawn from the Word of God, whether in olden or recent times."

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