- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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Doc. 245.] 377
"As this, however, concerns not only my writings, but as
a natural consequence my person also , I make a humble re
quest, that the memorial should be communicated to me which
was addressed to Your Royal Majesty in this matter by the
House of the Clergy, likewise the Minutes of the Privy Coun
cil, and the letter which was despatched from the office of the
Chancellor of Justice to the Consistory of Gottenburg, in order
that I may at once be heard, and may show forth the whole
of my treatment before the public at large.*
"In respect to Doctors Beyer and Rosén of Gottenburg, I
have given them no other advice than that they should ap
proach our Saviour, Jesus Christ, to whom all power has been
given in heaven and on earth (Matt. xxviii, 18), and should
strive after their salvation ; and as far as I have been able to
learn, they have affirmed and insisted upon that one point,
which is also in conformity with the ’Augsburg Confession,’
the Formula Concordia, and the whole Word of God ; never
theless, for this acknowledgment alone they have become to a
certain extent martyrs, at least so far as regards the cruel
persecutions of the Bishop and the Dean of that town. The
same expression also I apply to my books, which I regard as
my own self, when, nevertheless, all that the Dean of Gotten
burg has poured out against them, consists of sheer invectives,
which do not contain a particle of truth.
"Your Royal Majesty’s most humble and most dutiful ser
vant and subject,
[ Stockholm, May 10, 1770. ]†
"I enclose two letters I have addressed to Dr. Beyer; the
first of these concerns the worship of the Lord which is shown
to be in agreement with the ’Augsburg Confession,’ the For
mula Concordia, and the whole Word of God."
In the German translation the last two clau read as follows : "in
that I, like other subjects, may once have a hearing, and that I may en
joy the advantage (beneficium) of submitting a reply."
In the Swedish copy from which the above translation has been
made no date is given; we therefore supply the same from the French
translation of Pernety.

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