- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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380 [Doc. 245.
a copy ofa letter which I have addressed to the universities and
also to the Chancellor of Justice.196 With kind remembrances
to Dr. Rosén I remain, with all friendship and affection,
"Your most obedient servant.
"Stockholm, July 23, 1770."
EMANUEL SWEDenborg to the UNIVERSITIES Of upsal, lund, AND ÅBO.*
"In a few days I shall depart for Amsterdam
in order to publish there the ’Universal Theology of the New
Church,’ the foundation of which is the worship of the Lord,
our Saviour; on which foundation if no temple be now built,
lupanaria (brothels) will be erected. And now, as I under
stand that the religious trial of Drs. Beyer and Rosén has
been taken up by the Privy Council and settled in an
unexpected manner, and as this will probably be talked
about here and there during my absence, therefore, in order
to break the force of the malicious comments, which will
probably issue from the mouths of certain persons, prompted
by their stupidity and interior perverseness, it becomes my
duty in the interest of this matter to make known to you what
I have in the enclosed document (Swedenborg’s letter to the
King, see X, p. 373] submitted to His Royal Majesty.
"Two gentlemen of the Supreme Court of Appeals
Justicia Revisionen) told me that the Privy Council was the
pontifex maximus in religious matters. At the time I did not
make any reply; if, however, they should repeat this statement
to me, I should say that far from being the pontifex maximus,

lation was published in the "New Jerusalem Magazine" for 1790, p. 240;
whence it was introduced as Letter X into the English editions of the
"Swedenborg Documents" published in England and America.
* The Swedish Copy of this letter which was sent by Swedenborg to
Dr. Beyer is preserved in the Academy of Sciences in Stockholm. It was
published as a part of Document Z in the "Samlingar för Philantroper,"
the "New Jerusalem Magazine" for 1790, and the various English editions
of the " Swedenborg Documents." A German translation was published in
1770 in the "Schwedische Urkunden," &c., p. 22.

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