- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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382 [Doc. 245.
other universities, and this because in a few days I shall depart
for Amsterdam," &c.
The letter concludes thus: "I remain with all friendship
and love, most honoured brother,
"Your faithful friend and servant,
"Stockholm, July 23, 1770."
The next development of the case consisted of another
Royal order, dated December 7, 1770, in which Drs. Beyer
and Rosén were called upon a second time to recant their
erroneous views, and to promise to give up their belief in the
Swedenborgian doctrines.*
That Drs. Beyer and Rosén refused to comply with the
royal summons, is clearly stated by the former in a letter to
Prelate Etinger, dated June 15, 1771 , where he says : "As
Dr. Rosén, who has now removed to Stockholm, and I have
distinctly refused to recant before the King our belief in the
Swedenborgian principles, our case will now be brought before .
the Court of Appeals at Jönköping (Kongl. Götha Hof-Rätt),
where it is to be examined further, and to be adjudicated.†
In the following letter Swedenborg, who had meanwhile
published in Amsterdam the greater part of his "Universal
Theology," makes his comment on this new state af affairs:
"Reverend Doctor,
"I received yesterday your last letter together
with one from Dr. Rosén. Previously I had received one from
Assessor Queckfelt,204 from which I was led to infer, that
the case would take a new turn, if I presented myself before
* See "Oförgripeliga Tamkar om Sättet at bemöta den ås kallade
Swedenborgianismen," Stockholm, 1788, p. 77.
See "Schwedische Urkunden," &c., p. 154.
The Swedish original of this document is preserved in the Library of
the Academy of Sciences in Stockholm. It was printed as Letter XVI in

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