- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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Doc. 250.] TESSIN’S TESTIMONY. 399
three years old, with a countenance perfectly like that of the
late Bishop Swedberg, but he was not so tall ; he had feeble
eyes, a large mouth, and a pale complexion ; but he was cheerful,
friendly, glad, and talkative. It seemed that I was welcome ;
and as I had not intended to make many preludes, I began
at once by talking to him about the work on "Heaven and
Hell." He said that besides his own copy he had only two
others, which he had intended at the next Diet to hand over
to two bishops ; but as he had heard that one copy of it had
come into the country without his knowledge, and that it had
been sold to His Excellency Count Bonde,175 he had recon
sidered the subject, and given one of the copies to the Senator,
Count Höpken,28 and the other to Elreich, the Censor of
books and Councillor of Chancery. He expects fifty more
copies from England next spring, when he will send me one.
4. For many objections he did not seem particularly pre
pared, but stammered in an uncertain manner. He said he
was forbidden to repeat what the angels and the departed had
told him, but that for sixteen years God had granted him
revelations of this kind, that he might lead the world away
from darkness and error, which of late had increased to such
a degree, that the very existence of God was in effect denied.
5. During these revelations he has never been made ac
quainted with the first origin of the earth ;* future things also
have been reserved to the Lord Alone.†
6. Whenever he is alone, angels and the departed come to
him; but only a few for a longer time than half a year ; for
gradually, he said, they forget temporal things, and remain in
their heavenly homes.
7. Last Wednesday Senator Ehrenpreuss173 was with him
the whole day. He fills the office of judge in his society, but
was ashamed of the little insight he formerly had compared
with the light he has now.
8. After death men remain in their death-slumber not
* Swedenborg treats of this subject in the work entitled : "The Divine
Love and Wisdom," which was published in 1736, three years later, and
also in the chapter on Creation in the "True Christian Religion."
Compare also Document 251, no. 4.

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