- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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that he would, according to my wishes and expectations, enter
more deeply with me into some parts of his new doctrine, I
nevertheless had an opportunity thereby of defending myself
from the charge of being infected by him and of being one
of his proselytes. I had been frequently seen with him ; and
in all companies where I was asked about him, I had com
monly expressed myself as much in his favour as I could with
truth and by conviction ; nay I had defended and sheltered
him against all sorts of gossip which I knew consisted of
falsehoods. On this account scoffers might have circulated
reports about me which might have been anything but pleasant;
even as it has happened to me more than once, that silly
talkers, who the less they know about religion are inclined to
ridicule it the more, repeatedly gave me to understand that
I had already become a heretic. I therefore could not refrain
from communicating my letter to others, and, for the sake of
those who did not understand Latin, from translating it into
the Dutch language. I was asked to publish the letter ; but
I refused to do so for several reasons. I did not consider
as part of my office. There are public teachers enough, who
declare themselves to be ordained ministers of the Divine
Word, whose duty and office it is. I cannot comprehend how
they could allow the old gentleman for such a long time to
write whatever he pleased ; for on all ordinary occasions,
whenever the least deviations and peculiar ideas on matters
of religion are expressed, and sometimes such as are quite
harmless, they at once put on their armour, and make a great
ado. When all kept silence, I considered it a matter of con
science to keep silence too. If any one reads my letter he
will at least not regard me as a flatterer. Perhaps the old
gentleman also did not expect that I would give him such a
piece of my mind, or else he would not have become angry.
At all events the anger which he seemed to entertain against
me did not last very long ; and he soon became reconciled
again. A short time afterwards he came to me, and put
the adjoined paper into my hand. It is, indeed, not an
answer to my letter, * but at all events it is an autograph
* It is certainly an answer to Cuno’s letter ; for in that letter he denied
the reality of Swedenborg’s mission; wherefore Swedenborg in the above

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