- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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any since the time of the apostles. As such I offer his
character to the public, solemnly declaring that, to the best
of my knowledge, I am not herein led by any partiality, or
private views whatever, being much dead to every worldly
interest, and accounting myself as unworthy of any higher
character than that of a penitent sinner. I pretend to no
authority over the mind of the reader ; and if I have erred
in any thing here delivered, I trust that it is in the innocency
of error, and it shall be retracted on conviction.
32. "I have further to declare it as my belief, that we
draw nigh to the last of the latter days spoken of in Scripture,
and that the woes are already begun, which are to prepare
the way for the New Jerusalem from above, to the truth of
which our honoured author appears to have been called to
bear a particular testimony, in which vocation I believe he
will soon be succeeded by others. The doctrine of judgment
work approaching, will meet with no favourable reception
from those that are of this world, and are satisfied with the
present condition of it; but the children and heirs of that
kingdom, which shall have its sure foundations in Christian
love, righteousness, and peace, will, through the power of faith,
be enlightened to see the foregoing scourges as preparatory
to the manifestation of Christ’s glorious kingdom on earth,
and together with all the present mourners in Sion be enabled
to rejoice in hope, with the Divine witness in the revelations,
saying, and earnestly praying, ’Come, Lord Jesus, come
In an earlier part of this letter, Mr. Hartley expressed
himself on the writings of Swedenborg as follows.
33. "The writings of this honourable man recommend them
selves, at first sight, to the discerning reader, by their genuine
simplicity, by the profound veneration of the author for the
Sacred Scripture, and also by his deep penetration into, and
his clear elucidation of, their spiritual sense, and of the
mysteries contained therein, carrying with them a convincing
evidence to the judgment of simplified impartial minds, between
which and the Truth there is a certain congruity that disposes
the former for an immediate reception of the latter ; and this
simplicity is termed in Scripture ’the single eye,’ according to

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