- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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Doc. 260.] 523
to affirm, that there are no parts of mathematical, philosophical,
or medical knowledge, nay, I believe I might justly say, of
human literature, to which he is in the least a stranger; yet
so totally insensible is he of his own merit, that I am con
fident he does not know that he has any ; and, as himself
somewhere says of the angels, he always turns his head away
on the slightest encomium. What he knows of the most
interesting and noble science of all, I most humbly submit,
Sir, to your better judgment : yet I must say, that though I
have read much of the historical and mystical proofs of the
truth of Scripture, I have never yet met with any assertions
so wonderfully affecting the mind of man ; and wherever I
have read of anything of this nature approaching in some
measure to the gift of our author, it has generally been
delivered by persons whose education would scarcely secure
them from the censure of enthusiasm or imposture. I should
be glad, Sir, to be honoured with a line from you when you
get the books, and happy to receive your opinion when it may
be suitable to you to confer that favour on me.
"I am, Sir, with the greatest respect,
"Your most obedient and most humble servant,
"At Broom House, Fulham, Middlesex."
"Edinburgh, Nov. 6, 1769.
"I have received the books concerning which
you were pleased to advise me in your favour of the 23rd of
October, for which I return you cordial thanks. I have at
present, and shall have during the winter season, but little
respite from the duties of my office of Divinity Professor here ;
so that it will be seven or eight months ere I can purpose
to peruse them deliberately, and with that care and attention
which the serious and important-nature of the subjects therein
treated plainly requires. I have, however, seen enough to
convince me that the honourable author is a very learned
and pious man, -qualities that shall ever command my respect.

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