- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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furnished with notes and remarks by the translator. This
work costs ten shillings.
5. This same Mr. Hartley has likewise translated into
English, with notes and learned observations, a work of the
late Swedenborg, entitled, "A Theosophic Lucubration on the
Nature of Influx, as it respects the Communication and Opera
tion of the Soul and Body," in quarto. The price of this
translation is two shillings and sixpence. It concludes with a
letter from the late Swedenborg to Mr. Hartley.
6. There is still another small volume in 8vo, the Latin
title of which is Nova Hierosolyma ; this has also been trans
lated into English, but very badly. The Latin copy is there
fore more worthy of perusal on that account. It may interest
you to know, that although this translation is very defective,*
not a single copy of it remains on sale. As to the Arcana
Coelestia only two copies of it remain unsold. Of these I have
bespoken one, in case you desire to have it.
7. I will now satisfy the desire which you have expressed
of being informed of the conversations I had with the above
mentioned Swedenborg, both when alone with him, and also
in company with others ; but I must observe that it would be
too much and too difficult to relate them all here.
8. It is certain that two or three weeks, and not two or
three days before his decease, as his adversaries insinuate, I
asked him, when he believed that the New Jerusalem, or the
New Church of God, would manifest itself, and whether this
manifestation would take place in the four quarters of the
world. His answer was that no mortal and not even the
celestial angels could predict the time ; that it was solely in
the will of God. " Read," said he, "the Book of Revelation
xxi, 2, and Zechariah xiv, 19, and you will see there that
the New Jerusalem will undoubtedly manifest itself to the
whole earth."
9. I asked him in like manner concerning the letter
written by the Queen of Sweden to the late Margrave, her
brother. He replied, "Much of this is true, and much is not
* The English Editor remarks here, that "The extracts from the Arcana
Calestia were omitted in that edition."

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