- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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Moses, who was the chief instrument, in the Lord’s hands,
of raising up the Jewish and Israelitish Church, was of "no
eloquence, but slow of speech, and of slow tongue," (Exod. iv, 10 ;)
and that Swedenborg, the chief instrument in founding the
New Jerusalem Church, was also a man of no eloquence, but
on the contrary defective in the powers of elocution, and apt
to stammer in his speech. But as the external imperfection of
Moses was amply made up by the superior oratorical talents
of his brother Aaron, of whom it is written, " I know that he
can speak well," (verse 14 ;) so it appears, that the defect of
Swedenborg as a public speaker, which was a character he
probably never attempted to assume, was more than com
pensated by the uncommon facility, order, and correctness,
with which he penned his voluminous writings. In the former
instance, two distinct persons, Moses and Aaron, were necessary
to the conveyance of heavenly instruction to the Israelites ;
the one as an organ for the immediate reception of the Divine
law from Jehovah, and the other as a medium for its further
external and audible propagation among that people : whereas
in the latter instance a single person only, Emanuel Sweden
borg, was, by his extraordinary mental endowments and due
preparation of the Lord, perfectly qualified to receive him
self immediately, and by his superior capacity as a writer
to communicate mediately, through the Latin language and
the press, the interior things of the same Divine law to all
the nations of the earth.
10. I may here add, that a picture of Swedenborg, painted
by my late brother John Hindmarsh, about the year 1785,
from Swedish and English engraved prints, corrected by
Mr. Shearsmith’s description of his person and dress, so as
to form, in his estimation, a most perfect likeness, is also in
my possession. Of the striking resemblance which this picture
bears to the original, the reader may judge from the following
anecdote, related in the " Intellectual Repository, " Vol. III,
for 1816 and 1817, p. 515. "The reader may feel an interest
in being informed that he (the late* Mr. Henry Servanté,227
* "Mr. Servanté died August 23, 1817, in his seventy-sixth year."
E. Madeley.

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