- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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of foundation, to the best of their knowledge. You will see
this accordingly confirmed by the inclosed document, sworn to
in the presence of the Lord Mayor of this city, and of which
you are at full liberty to make whatever use you may think
proper, in order to destroy the influence of so malevolent an
insinuation. Allow me to add here, what I have further learnt
from Mr. Springer, a Swedish gentleman residing here, and a
very intimate friend, as you may have heard, of Swedenborg’s:
"When the deceased found his end approaching, and expressed
a wish to have the communion administered to him, somebody
present at the time proposed sending for Mr. Mathesius, the
officiating minister of the Swedish church. This person was
known to be a professed enemy of Swedenborg, and had set
his face against his writings : it was he that raised and spread
the false account of Swedenborg’s having been deprived ofhis
senses. The Baron therefore declined taking the sacrament
from him, and actually received it from the hands of another
ecclesiastic of his own country, named Ferelius, who at that
time was a reader of Baron Swedenborg’s writings, and is
said to have continued to do so ever since, in Stockholm,
where he is now living ; and I have been assured that, on this
occasion, Swedenborg expressly exhorted him to continue
steadfast in the truth."

Mr. Mathesius is said to have become insane himself, a
short time after this ; and becoming thereby incapable of his
function, has existed ever since, in that melancholy state, upon
the bounty of the King of Sweden.
’Mr. Springer further says, "That a short time before his
death, Baron Swedenborg had his spiritual or internal sight
withdrawn from him, after having been favoured with it during
so long a course of years : that he was under the greatest
tribulation of mind on that account, calling out, ’O my God!
hast thou then at last abandoned thy servant? This seems
to have been the last of Swedenborg’s trials. He continued
several days in that deplorable condition ; but at length re
covered his spiritual or internal sight. He was then comforted
again, and became happy as before. "
Mr. Springer received this assurance from Swedenborg’s

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