- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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624 [Doc. 272.
and his "Brief Exposition," and in London his " Intercourse
between the Soul and the Body." The work on "Conjugial
Love" left the press in Amsterdam towards the close of
September, 1768 (see Document 237), and the "Brief Ex
position" in the beginning of March, 1769 (see Document 240).
On April 26 he left Amsterdam for Paris (see Document 241),
and proceeded thence to London, where he published his little
treatise on the " Intercourse between the Soul and the Body,"
and in the beginning of October, 1769, he returned finally to
Stockholm (see Document 244, H).
Such is a brief outline of Swedenborg’s movements between
1762 and 1769, and the question now arises, when, during that
time, could he possibly have seen Kant’s friend in Stockholm,
and told him that "he would proceed to London in the month
of May this year, where he would publish a book," &c.
There can be little doubt that the book which Swedenborg
said he would publish in London, was that on the "Inter
course between the Soul and the Body ;" for this is the only
work which he published in London between 1762 and 1769,
and, besides, it treats of the three philosophical hypotheses
of Aristotle, Descartes, and Leibnitz, and thus most likely
contains an answer to those questions which Kant had pro
pounded to him.
From this then it would follow that Kant made the ac
quaintance of his friend Green243 during the summer of 1767,
which fully agrees with all the dates on the subject ; that
Green saw Swedenborg early in 1768, and returned to Königs
berg in time to meet Kant and his friend at his house on
Whit-Monday, 1768.
The only difference in the programme, as Swedenborg had
stated it to Green, is this, that instead of proceeding from
Stockholm first to London, to print his " Intercourse" there,
and thence to Amsterdam, in order to publish his " Conjugial
Love" and his " Brief Exposition," he inverted his programme,
by going first to Amsterdam, and afterwards to London.
Dr. Im. Tafel, besides, directs attention to the fact that
Kant, in his work "Träume eines Geisterschers," &c., called
Swedenborg constantly Schwedenberg, while in his letter to
Charlotte von Knobloch he gave him his correct name. Moreover,

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