- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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come to herself, she said to those about her, ’There is only
God and my brother who can know what he has just told me?
She owned that he had spoken of her last correspondence with
the Prince, the subject of which was known to themselves alone.
"I cannot explain how Swedenborg came to the knowledge
of this secret; but this I can assert upon my honour, that
neither Count Höpken, as the author of the letter states, nor
any other person had intercepted or read the Queen’s letters;
the senate then permitting her to write to her brother without
the least difficulty, regarding her correspondence with him as
a thing quite indifferent to the state.
"It is evident that the author of the above-mentioned letter
is utterly ignorant of the character of Count Höpken. This
respectable nobleman, who has rendered the most important
services to his country, possesses greatness of mind and good
ness of heart ; and his advanced age has in no wise impaired
these valuable endowments. During the whole of his adminis
tration, he united the most enlightened policy with the most
scrupulous integrity, and was a declared enemy to secret in
trigue and underhand devices, which he looked upon as means
unworthy of accomplishing his purposes.
"The author is no better acquainted with Assessor Sweden
borg. The only weakness of this truly honest man was his
belief in ghost-seeing ; but I knew him for many years, and
I can confidently affirm, that he was as fully persuaded that
he conversed with spirits, as I am that I am writing at
this moment. As a citizen and as a friend, he was a man of
the greatest integrity, abhorring imposture, and leading an
exemplary life.
"The explanation, therefore, which Chevalier Beylon gives
of this circumstance, is void of foundation ; and the visit said
to have been made in the night to Swedenborg, by Counts
Hand T , is pure invention.
"As for the rest, the author of the letter may be assured
that I am far from being a follower* of Swedenborg ; the
* Although Captain Stålhammar declares here that "he is far from being
a follower of Swedenborg," the Historian Fryxell nevertheless insists on
styling him a "Swedenborgian" (swedenborgare) ; see "Berättelser," etc.,
Vol. XLIII, p. 184.

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