- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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754 [Doc. 300.
the horsemen, and of the chariots ; with the hoofs of his horses
shall he tread down all thy streets’ (Ezek. xxvi, 7, 10, 11). By
Tyre in the Word is signified the church as to the knowledge
of good and truth, and by the King of Babylon their falsi
fication and profanation : whence it is here said that ’ he shall
come with horses, and with chariots, and with horsemen,’ and
that ’
by reason of the abundance of his horses, their dust
shall cover thee.’ ’
Woe to the city of blood ! it is all full of
lies, and the horse neighs, and the chariot jumps’ (Nahum iii,
1-4) ; by the city of blood is signified doctrine from the falsi
fied truths of the Word. Besides other places, such as the
following : Isa. v, 26, 28 ; Jer. vi, 23 ; viii, 16 ; xlvi, 4, 9 ; 1, 37,
38, 43 ; Ezek. xvii, 15 ; xxiii, 5, 20 ; Hab. i, 6, 8, 9, 10 ;
Psalm lxvi, 11 , 12 ; cxlvii, 10. The understanding of the truth
of the Word falsified and destroyed is also signified by the
red, black, and pale horses in the Revelation (vi, 4, 5, 8). As
the horse therefore signifies the understanding of truth, and
in an opposite sense the understanding of what is false, what
the quality of the Word is in its spiritual sense is apparent.
"It is well known that in Egypt there were hieroglyphics,
and that they were inscribed on the columns and walls of the
temples and other buildings ; and likewise that no one at the
present day knows what was signified thereby. Those hiero
glyphics were nothing else than the correspondences of natural
and spiritual things. These correspondences were studied by
the Egyptians in their times more than by any of the people
in Asia, and in agreement therewith the oldest inhabitants
of Greece wrote their fables. Besides, this was the most
ancient style of composition. To this I shall add this new
information, that all things which appear before angels and
spirits in the spiritual world, are nothing else than cor
respondences. For this reason also the whole of the Sacred
Scripture was written by correspondences, that by means of
it, and because it is such, conjunction may be effected between
the men of the church and the angels of heaven. As the
Egyptians, however, and with them others in the kingdoms of
Asia, began to change these correspondences into idolatry, to
which the children of Israel were prone, therefore they were
forbidden to turn them to any use from themselves, as appears

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