- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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782 [Doc. 304.
Vol. VIII with page 1301. [ Codices 40 to 45 ; Vol. VIII is
probably Codex 37 ; see Document 3 : 0, Codex 37.]
In Vol. IX, a new system of paging begins, which is con
tinued in Vol. X to page 462. [Vol. X is Codex 113 ; Vol. IX
is missing.]
12. Seven volumes of the same size, and bound in a similar
manner, which run from 1 to 7 inclusive, but in respect to
their contents are not connected ; they seem to be numbered
simply for the purpose of registration. The following seem to
be the contents of these volumes :
Vol. I appears to be a memorandum-book of the technical
terms which occur in some of the sciences ; it contains also
annotations and excerpts from various authors, with some of
Swedenborg’s own thoughts, as for instance on "Harmonious
Correspondence," on pp. 205, 220, 235, 250, 270 ; on "Geo
metrical Arithmetic" on p. 222; the Lord’s prayer, on p. 224;
on "Musical Harmony," p. 247 ; on "Optics, " p. 229 ; the
arrangement of subjects in the " Animal Economy," and the
"Animal Kingdom, " pp. 253 , 262, 268 ; the nature of " Natural
Religion, and how it degenerates from true religion," p. 267 ;
the "Representation of Oracles, " p. 267. This volume con
tains 276 pages, and is furnished with an Index. [Codex 36.
Vol. II was found to contain an Index to the Concordia
pia, published in Leipzig in 1756, 8vo. [Codex 50. Ibid., which is
missing ; see Document 310, Codex 50].
Vol. III contains on 180 pages sentences from the Sacred
Scriptures collected under various heads, such as Apostles,
Miracles, Christ, God the Father and the Son, &c. [Codex 49.
Vol. IV seems to be an Index of some MS. treating of
"Conjugial Love. " [Codex 46. Ibid.]
Vol. V consists of 274 pages, mostly blank ; but on p. 3
there are some notes on the Council of Trent ; on p. 7 some
of the author’s own memorabilia respecting his conversations
with Calvin ; on p. 111 the God and Saviour Jesus Christ is
treated of; on p. 201 the Doctrine of the New Church is contained
in a summary. [Codex 48. Ibid.]
Vol. VI consists likewise of blank paper, and seems also

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