- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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784 [Doc. 304.
6. Matters belonging to Geometry and Algebra, 279 pages,
4to. [Codex 86. Ibid.]
7. Principia Rerum Naturalium, deduced from experience
and geometry, or established a priori and a posteriori, 569
pages, 4to. [ Codex 77. Ibid.]
8. Three short transactions : 1. On the Animal Spirit,
24 pages; 2. On Sensation or the passion of the body, in 13
paragraphs ; 3. On Action, in 35 paragraphs. [Contained in
Codex 74. Ibid.]
9. One volume, 4to, of 760 pages. On page 1 is written
the following title : "Animal Economy, or transactions of both
parts of man, demonstrated here in respect to the brain, the
prolonged marrow, the spinal marrow, and the nerves, ana
lytically, physically, and philosophically." The contents of this
volume, however, are not continuous, but intermixed with other
matters, viz:
a) A description of Swedenborg’s travels abroad: In the
year 1710, p. 498 ; in 1721 , p. 503 ; in 1733 from pp. 3 to 39,
again from pp. 45 to 49, and finally from pp. 55 to 115 ;
in 1736, 1737, 1738, 1739, from pp. 404 to 542, from pp. 730
to 733 and again on p. 737.
b) A comparison of the general Ontology and Cosmology
of Christopher Wolf18 with the Principia Rerum Naturalium of
Swedenborg, p. 41 .
c) The calcareous waters of Hungary, pp. 41 to 46.
(d) The attributes of the point, pp. 49 to 65.
(e) The mechanism of the soul and body, together with
several papers on ontology, psychology, and anatomy, and
various excerpts from pp. 116 to 495, and again from pp . 550
to 711 , with an Index from pp. 712 to 729.
) Descriptions of several of Swedenborg’s dreams during
the years 1736, 1737, 1738, 1739, and 1740, pp. 730 to 733,
and again pp. 741 to 745. * [Codex 88. Ibid.]
10. Several larger and smaller fragments, written in various
styles of handwriting, yet apparently by Swedenborg himself;
* In the copy of this catalogue printed in the year 1801, the following
foot-note is added, "These leaves have been removed from the volume,
and are in the safe keeping of the family."

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