- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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800 [Doc. 308.
86. Geometrica et Algebraica.
87. Principiorum Rerum Naturalium, Part I.
88. See no. 65.
*89. Schmidius’ Bible, Vol. I. Title-page is wanting.
Do. Vol. II.
*91 . Brief Exposition of the Doctrine ofthe New Church.
*92, 93. Dædalus Hyperboreus.
*94. Prodromus Philosophie Ratiocinantis.
95. Taken by Nordensköld. (Not found.)
*96. Om Vattnets Ebb och flod.
*97. Do.
*98. Prodromus Principiorum rerum naturalium.
[The following nos. were added by Prof. Sjösten :]
99. Beskrifning öfver Swenska Masungnar.
*100. Miscellanea Observata.
*101 . Camena Borea.
*102. De la Nouvelle Jérusalem, 8vo.
103. Index rerum in Apocalypsi Revelata.
*104. Clavis Hieroglyphica.
*105. Summaria Expositio Doctrinæ cœlestis. Duplicate.
* 106. Prodromus Philosophiae Ratiocinantis. Duplicate.
[After 1843 were added the following nos:]
107-109. Apocalypsis Explicata. 3 vols. 4to.
110. Index to the Spiritual Diary, in folio. [See no. 63.]
111. Diarium Spirituale. [ See no. 95.]
112. Complete Index to the Arcana Calestia ; large
oblong folio.
113. Index to the earlier volumes ofthe Arcana Cœlestia,
Vol. I ; small oblong folio.
[At the close of this catalogue Secretary Wilcke made
the following statement :]
Nordensköld, the Inspector of Mines, has likewise borrowed :
A complete Index to the Arcana Calestia, 1 vol.
Do. to the earlier volumes, 2 vols.
An Index to the Apocalypsis Revelata [see no. 103.]
Besides, Mr. Nordensköld will have to account for all the
MSS. that may be missing.

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