- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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826 [Doc. 309.
have come into foreign hands, by the very improper conduct
of Messrs. Wadström and Nordensköld.’
"To these gentlemen the MSS. had been delivered only
as a temporary loan, with all the trust and confidence which
at that time they should naturally inspire, as being themselves
members of the Royal Academy. The originals of Sweden
borg have been deposited in our archives as public property,
not as our own ; a quality which has been sanctioned and
confirmed by the Royal Decree, whereof you received a copy
with my last letter. The strict obligation of the Academy
is to preserve them in full integrity, and to make them acces
sible to all such persons as may be anxious to consult the
originals, or even the hand-writing of the author.
"The Academy has itself no right or permission to dispose
of them otherwise, nor to exchange the originals for the most
carefully made copies ; still less to part with them for what
soever indemnity could be proposed.
"But far from any jealousy to withhold these MSS. from
the friends of Swedenborg, or from the public at large, we
are entirely of your opinion, that the intention of Swedenborg
and his executors can never have been to condemn them to
oblivion, by depositing them in the custody of the Royal Aca
demy. And as your Committee has shewn the greatest delicacy,
by not permitting itself to take copies, even of those MSS.
which now are in your hands, without the permission of the
owner, I am very glad to find myself authorized to transfer
to your Committee the full and unlimited permission to copy
and print all those MSS.; the Academy wishing by no means
to prevent the publication of what is estimated as a treasure
of genius and edification by so many respectable admirers of
Swedenborg’s writings.
"But as the members of your Committee may possibly not
be permanent, you will certainly make no objection to the
earnest wish of the Royal Academy to receive by your inter
vention as speedily as possible, an authentic act, by which
the Society binds itself to restore to us the original MSS.
after a certain time, to be fixed by your own convenience, as
necessary for making the copies.

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