- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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860 [Doc. 310.
7. The eye and the sense of sight, pp. 84 to 121.
8. Physical and optical experiments, pp. 122 to 128. Concerning
this chapter, see Document 313, no. 75.
9. An epilogue on sensation in general, pp. 129 to 150.
10. A summary exposition of sensation and affection, pp. 150 to 159.
11. The same subject continued, with an application of the
analogy furnished by the rules of music, pp. 160 to 187.
12. The understanding and its operation, pp. 187 to 196.
13. An Index to the preceding, 4 pages.
The whole of this treatise (which is the first cast of Part III
of the New Series of the Regnum Animale), with the exception of
chapters III, V and VIII, was published by Dr. Im. Tafel in 1848 as
Part IV of the Regnum Animale. The parts which he omitted, it
would seem by order of the Swedenborg Association (see his critical
note to p. 42, on p. 238) who defrayed the expenses of the publi
cation, were reproduced by the photo-lithographic process and are
contained in Vol. VI of the Photo-lithographed MSS. of Sweden
borg ; the chapter on the sense of touch, pp. 41 to 57 ; and the
physical and optical experiments, pp. 102-107. Respecting the
place which this treatise occupies among Swedenborg’s writings, see
Document 313, no. 73.
II. The treatise which occupies pp. 198 to 241 in the Codex,
contains the beginning of Part IV of the New Series of the Regnum
Animale, and treats of the Brain. It is not complete. The chapters
which the author fully prepared are as follows :
1. Preface to the part on the Brain, pp. 198 to 202.
2. The brain; its structure, motion, and function in general,
pp. 203 to 233.
3. The dura mater pp. 234 to 241.
For further particulars respecting this treatise on the Brain,
see Document 313, no. 76.
The whole of this treatise is photo-lithographed as Section VI
of the Photo-lithographed MSS. of Swedenborg, Vol. VI, and extends
from pp. 58 to 101.
In addition to the two treatises already mentioned there are
bound up in this Codex the following distinct papers :
III. Excerpts from J. F. Cassebohm’s 286 tract "De Aure
Humana," 11 pages.
IV. A chapter on the muscles of the face and abdomen, which
consists of 13 pages, and is reproduced as Section III of Sweden
borg’s Photo-lithographed MSS., Vol. VI. This chapter is discussed
in Document 313, no. 74.

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