- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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Among the MSS. of Swedenborg which his heirs committed
in 1772 to the care of the Academy of Sciences, was a large
collection of letters, a list of which was embodied in the
catalogue (Document 304) by which this deposit was accom
panied. Some of these letters, which had reference to Sweden
borg’s active work in the Swedish Diet, were afterwards bound
up in Codex 56, which is entitled, Riksdagsskrifter; and others,
which concerned his " Method of finding the Longitude," were
bound up in no. 67 ; but all the other letters disappeared
mysteriously from the Academy of Sciences.
Fortunately, however, an Academician , Bengt Bergius,
made it one of the objects of his life to collect letters
addressed to, and written by, illustrious Swedes. These letters
he borrowed, copied out beautifully, and thus inserted in his
collection of letters, which at the time of his death amounted
to twenty thick quarto volumes (see Note 46). Bergius, as
it seems, got hold of the collection of Swedenborg’s letters
which was in the possession of the Academy of Sciences, and
those that appeared to him most important he copied either
wholly or in part, and in this wise preserved them. Besides,
some of the members of the Exegetic Philanthropic Society
likewise copied some of these letters, which they published
in 1787 in the " Samlingar för Philantroper;" while other
letters through their instrumentality were published in 1784
in the Appendix to the second edition of the "Intercourse
between the Soul and the Body, " and still more in the "New
Jerusalem Magazine " for 1790.

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