- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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882 [Doc. 312.
Such first draughts exist of letters 13 and 14 written to Dr. Beyer
Document 245, H and L). Other first draughts of letters, copies
ofwhich have been preserved, are Documents 128, 225, 226, 228, 239.
The first of these was copied by Bergius, the rest were copied by
the Nordenskölds.
"No. 14. Various letters from abroad, and among them
from the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, and from
Christopher Wolf. "
Among these letters are probably those of Henkel and Forskål, which
were copied by Bergius, and which constitute Documents 117 and
119 in the present collection. The letters from St. Petersburg and
Christopher Wolf have not been preserved.
"No. 15. Letters from his relations and friends, especially
from his brothers-in-law, Archbishop Dr. Ericus Benzelius,
and Dean J. Unge."
Most, if not all, of these letters have been preserved through the
agency of Bergius. From Ericus Benzelius we have Documents 98,
103, and 105 ; from Dean J. Unge Documents 107, 111, 114, 116,
120, and 121 ; from Swedenborg’s brother Jesper52 Document 104;
from his brother-in-law Lars Benzelstjernas Documents 124 and 125 ;
from his cousin Peter Swedberg Document 7, and from his cousin
Peter Schönström¹7 Document 8.
"No. 16. A letter from Baron L. von Hatzel, Chevalier
Grand Croix de l’ordre de St. George, together with a
letter from His Excellency, Senator Count Gustav Bonde,
dated August 7, 1760, with Assessor Swedenborg’s answer
to the last letter."
these interesting letters have been preserved through the in
strumentality ofBergius. They constitute Documents 215, 216, and 217.
"Nos. 17 and 18. Letters from Herman Obereit, John
Caspar Lavater, and Christian Tuxen."
Of these letters those written by Lavater have been preserved through
the agency of the Nordenskölds or Wadström. They are Docu
ments 236 and 242.
"No. 19. Letters of Abbot F. C. Etinger, from the years
1765, 1766 , 1767, and 1768, with three answers to these
letters in first draughts."
Swedenborg’s letters to Etinger were published by that gentleman
himself. They constitute Documents 229, 232, and 238. Of the four

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