- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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Doc. 313.] 885
up of appropriate materials, both in respect to the language and
thoughts, of the authors of whom he treats; and the whole of it shows
that it is the product of a serious mind directed towards the con
templation of eternal things, and resting on a pure moral foundation."
In proof of this Dr. Im. Tafel quotes the sentiments of the author
on filial love and friendship, and the horror which he shows of
duplicity and hypocrisy.
This little treatise was reprinted by Dr. Im. Tafel in 1841 , and
to it he added some recently discovered fragments of other sentences
ascribed to Pub. Syrus Mimus.
1709. (2.) Jesperi Swedbergii, Doct. et Episcopi Scarensis,
Parentis Optimi, Canticum Suecicum " Ungdom’s Regel och
Alderdoms Spegel," ex Ecclesiast: c. XII. latino Carmine
exhibitum ab Emanuele Swedbergio, filio (The Swedish
poem, "The Rule of Youth and the Mirror of Old Age,"
from Ecclesiastes xii, by Dr. Jesper Swedberg, Bishop
of Scara, the best of fathers, translated into Latin verse
by his son, Emanuel Swedberg). Scara, Kjelberg.
The Latin poem, it seems, was published separately, and also in
conjunction with the Swedish original of the father, which bears the
following title: Ungdoms Regel och Alderdoms Spegel af Salomos
predikare B. 12 Cap. Bishop Swedberg’s work consists of a
poetical paraphrase of the twelfth chapter of Ecclesiastes, followed
by two sermons explanatory of that chapter, which he delivered on
leaving Upsal in 1703. Dr. A. Kahl307 says of Swedenborg’s Latin
poem that "Ovid need not have been ashamed of it." It was written
about the middle of 1709; for the Bishop dates the preface of his
book "Brunsbo, July 18, 1709." That Swedenborg at that time was
staying with his father appears from Document 36.
This Latin poem was reprinted by Dr. Im. Tafel in his "Docu
ments concerning Swedenborg," Vol. IV, pp. 68 to 73.
1710. (3.) Ad Sophiam Elisabet Brenneriam,294 unicam
ætatis nostræ Camenam, cum carmina sua de novo caneret
(To Sophia Elisabeth Brenner, the only muse of our age,
when she edited her poems a second time). Two pages,
This poem is signed Emanuel Swedberg, and is dated London,
October, 1710. It was published in the appendix to the second
edition of Sophia Brenner’s poems , which were issued in quarto, in
1713. Swedenborg enclosed his tribute to the Swedish Sappho in a

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